Thursday, 31 October 2024

Madingley Hall • Madingley

Built by Sir John Hynde in 1542 as a hunting lodge. It is haunted by his wife, Lady Ursula Hynde. 

Their son continued the building of the house, only he had a local church pulled down and used the stone and timber in the Hall to do so. His mother despaired of his actions and is said to walk the house wringing her hands in grief. She is also said to be seen walking the drive to the house on Christmas Eve. 

The oldest part of the Hall contains a roof that was once the refectory roof at Angelsey Abbey  in Lode, another Cambridgeshire village. The impressive hammerbeam roof is in good condition and still features mason’s marks, originally carved around 460 years ago. 

The house also contains one of the scariest set of steps I’ve ever walked up. I never have liked being able to see gaps between the steps! 

The Hall is now owned by the University of Cambridge and used as a conference centre and wedding venue.

I apologise for the image quality, I took these pictures on a very primitive digital camera in about 2010 😆


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